The operator of the Mobile Battery Sharing Service “ChargeSPOT”, INFORICH INC. (HQ: Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, President & CEO: Hironobu Akiyama, below “INFORICH”) together with T-Gaia Corporation (HQ: Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, President & CEO: Masato Ishida, below “T-Gaia”) and their foreign subsidiary T-Gaia Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. signed the Master Franchise Agreement to deploy the “ChargeSPOT” service in Singapore on March 16th 2023 and are pleased to announce the service launch from December 2023.

Japan’s No.1 Service by Installations*, “ChargeSPOT” was launch in April 2018 with the concept of “Rent Anywhere, Return Anywhere” in Stations, Airports, Retail Locations, Restaurants, Convenience Stores and Public Locations across Japan as well as in 4 territories overseas in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Thailand and has expanded to circa 59,000 stations so far.
*per INFORICH research
Singapore will become the sixth Asian territory to launch the service. In the future, INFORICH and T-Gaia will continue to strive to expand their global business and demonstrate their presence in the overall sharing economy field through the development of the “ChargeSPOT” service.